

NFC Technology That Works.

Made for mobile and small payment terminals, our Vision L1 module provides easy, seamless integration for contactless payments and transactions.

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Efficient Transactions

Saving Time and Money

Quicker Transactions

During Peak Sales Times

Secure Transactions

Preventing Fraudulent Sales

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Does your current system:

  • Allow your customers to use the most current forms of payment and help prevent fraud?

  • Keep sensitive data secure and out of the hands of hackers?

  • Allow quick, easy transactions during high peak times?

  • Provide the functionality you need and want?

At Ingenutec We Make It Work

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Antenna Design

No need to waste time searching for a

solution that fits your unique product and

needs. It’s customized for you.

nfc technology emv contactless payment antennas nfc reader knoxville tn



No need to endure multiple attempts

obtaining certification. With custom

antenna design your module will work.

nfc technology emv contactless payment antennas nfc reader knoxville tn

Multiple Solutions

No need to find solutions for other

contactless applications such as access

control. The module works across most

environments and applications.

We Get It – NFC Technology is Complicated.

At Ingenutec, we design, customize, and support our exclusive Vision L1 Contactless Module.

Easy, seamless integration along with guaranteed certification, tamper protection, and outstanding support ensures your transactions are quick, safe, and secure. And your customers are happy.

We serve customers just like you:

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nfc emv contactless payment knoxville tn
nfc emv contactless payment knoxville tn

How It Works

nfc technology emv contactless payment antennas nfc reader knoxville tn

1. Call Us

Give us a call to discuss your needs and goals.

nfc technology emv contactless payment antennas nfc reader knoxville tn

2. Choose Your Features and Plan

We’ll customize the module for you and provide a complete project plan so you’re up and running as quickly as possible.

nfc technology emv contactless payment antennas nfc reader knoxville tn

3. Happy Customers

Keep your customers happy with reliable, safe, and secure transactions.

Why Vision L1

Your NFC technology needs to work easily, and it needs to work the way you want. So we created the Vision L1, a little powerhouse about the size of a Full Size SD Memory Card. It’s ready for seamless integration and comes with an integrated secure element. The entire module can be customized for YOU. And that means you don’t waste time or money searching for the solution that fits your unique needs.

The best part is that we guarantee certification when it’s used with a customized antenna design.

And when you need help, you’ll have access to an expert who can troubleshoot and diagnose whatever situation is keeping you from making sales.

With Ingenutec you’ll have everything you need to ensure your transactions are reliable, quick, safe and secure. And…you’ll have happy customers.

Access our Free Product Guide:

Exclusive Vision L1 Contactless Module